Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

Barn Swallow

English name: Barn Swallow | French : Hirondelle rustique | Spanish: Golondrina comun | Latin: Hirundo rustica (Linnaeus, 1758)


Vulgar Names: Barn Swallow (old name), chimney Swallow (French wikipedia) | Spanish: Andorina


Description: Brown forehead and throat rust; white underside; Tail forked, long enough and blackish on, white underneath; Back and blue head reflected.


Size: 17-19 cm (F. J. Alsop) | 7 "-8" in.


Wingspan: 32-34 cm (F. J. Alsop) | 12 "-12" in. | 1 '-1 ' 1 ft


Weight: 16-24 g (HBW Alive) | 0.56-0.85 oz


Max Speed: 72 km/h | 20 m/s (Wikipedia)


Flapping wings: 5-9/seconds (Wikipedia)


Longevity: 16 years ( | 192 months | 832 weeks | 5844 days
Eggs: 4-7 whites marked with brown; 1.3 x 2 cm (F. J. Alsop)


Brooding: 13-17 days, 2 broods per year; Two weeks.


Power supply: insectivorous. Insects. (HBW Alive)


Habitat: Open fields, farms (niche in barns), often near water.


Distribution: Global, except Greenland and Antarctica.


IUCN Status: LC | Least Concern (IUCN)


Population: Decreasing (IUCN)


Number of individuals: 190 million (190 000 000) (IUCN)


Estimated range of range: 193 million sq km (193 000 000 squares kilometers) (IUCN)


Situation in North America: Common in spring, sometimes summer and fall. Absent in winter: migratory.
Classification of the Barn Swallow
Classification Classification title (latin) English
Kingdom Animalia Animals
Phylum Chordata Chrodates
Class Aves Birds
Order Passeriformes Passerines
Family Hirundinidae Swallows
Genus Hirundo  
Species Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow
Click here to see the page of the Barn Swallow in french (Hirondelle rustique)
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