White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis)

White-breasted Nuthatch

English name: White-breasted Nuthatch | Français (French) : Sittelle à poitrine blanche | Spanish: Trepador pechiblanco | Latin: Sitta carolinensis (Latham, 1790)


Peculiarities: It is one of the most common birds to feeders all year round, with Black-headed Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus), Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata), Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus), Pic minor (Picoides pubescens) and a few others. The White-breasted Nuthatch rarely comes into the hands, while the Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) comes more often. Nevertheless, it is necessary, for all the birds that come into the hands, to tame.


Description: Black Cap; face and underside white; Grey-blue top and tail; Beak medium long, thin, tip a little turned up.


Size: 13-15.5 cm | 5 "-6" in.


Wingspan: 23-28 cm (F. J. Alsop) | 9 "-11" in.


Weight: 19.6-22.9 g (HBW Alive) | 0.69-0.81 oz


Longevity: 10 years (Oiseaux.net) | 120 months | 522 Weeks | 3652 days


Behaviour: The nuthatches are often held upside down (upside down) on a tree trunk, to descend, sometimes it will be "at the Place" (head up) to mount. They come to the feeders. White-breasted S. Lives alone or in pairs; Sociable *a in winter. (F. J. Alsop)


Eggs: 3-10 white or pinkish, splashed with brown, grey, violet or red; 1.4 x 2 cm (F. J. Alsop)


Food: Nuts, seeds (among other sunflower seeds), tallow, spiders, insects. (F. J. Alsop)


Habitat: Deciduous or mixed forest. (HBW Alive)


Distribution: North America


IUCN Status: LC *b (IUCN)


Population: Increasing (IUCN)


Estimated range of range: 16.3 million km2 *c (IUCN)


Situation in North America: commune.


Classification to the White-breasted Nuthatch
Classification Classification title (latin) English
Kingdom Animalia Animals
Phylum Chordata Chordates
Class Aves Birds
Order Passeriformes Passerines
Family Sittidae Sittidae
Genus Sitta Nuthatch
Species Sitta carolinensis White-breasted Nutatch




--*a: sociable male to the female, not the species to the human!


--*b: LC = Least concern.


--*c: 16 300 000 square kilometers.
Sitta carolinensis
 White-breasted Nuthatch -- Estrie, Quebec, Canada -- February 21, 2012 -- DominicL
Sitta carolinensis 2
White-breasted Nuthatch -- St. Paul, Aberta, Canada -- November 14, 2012
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